Liver Derived Primary Cells

The primary cells of the liver have various in vitro applications due to their ability to mimic liver functions and metabolism. In vitro refers to experiments or studies conducted outside of living organisms, typically using isolated cells or tissues in a controlled laboratory environment.

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    BalbC Hepatocytes plateable

    Cat No: #0605MS03

    Isolated from mouse liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metabolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    BalbC Hepatocytes Suspension

    Cat No: #0606MS03

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metabolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    C57 Hepatocytes Suspension

    Cat No: #0606MS02

    In drug development, it is very crucial to find models that accurately represent drug-to-drug interactions (DDI) with clinical relevance. Plateable hepatocytes, specialized primary liver cells derived from various...

    CD-1 Hepatocytes Plateable

    Cat No: #0605MS01

    In drug development projects, there is a significant concern about finding models for drug-to-drug interactions (DDI) with clinical relevance. Plateable hepatocytes, specialized primary liver cells, are derived from...

    Hepatic Stellate Cells

    Cat No: #0609HU00

    Ethically sourced from liver tissues, stellates are the specialized cell types primarily responsible for storing retinoids. However, in response to liver damage, they undergo a transformation, losing their...

    Hepatocytes in Suspension

    Cat No: #0606HU00

    These cryopreserved hepatocytes in suspension are characterized for high viability and general phase I and phase II metabolism activity in short term suspension metabolic pathways. The extensive quality...

    Plateable Hepatocytes

    Cat No: #0605HU00

    Models for drug-to-drug interactions (DDI) with more clinical relevance are a serious concern for any new drug development project. The plateable hepatocytes are specialized primary liver cells, isolated...

    Hepatocytes in Suspension CD-1

    Cat No: #0606MS01

    We provide cryopreserved suspension hepatocytes that are thoroughly characterized for high viability and general phase I and phase II metabolism activities in short-term suspension metabolic pathways. Each batch...

    Hepatocytes Plateable C 57

    Cat No: #0605MS02

    In drug development, it is very crucial to find models that accurately represent drug-to-drug interactions (DDI) with clinical relevance. Plateable hepatocytes, specialized primary liver cells derived from various...

    Hepatocytes Plateable Immuno-deficient

    Cat No: #0605RA03

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metbaolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    Hepatocytes Plateable SD

    Cat No: #0605RA01

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metabolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    Hepatocytes Plateable Wistar

    Cat No: #0605RA02

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metabolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    Hepatocytes Suspension Immuno-deficient

    Cat No: #0606RA02

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metbaolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    Hepatocytes Suspension SD

    Cat No: #0606RA01

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metbaolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...

    Hepatocytes Suspension Wistar

    Cat No: #0606RA02

    Isolated from rat liver, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metbaolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug...


    Cat No: #0606SW00

    Isolated from porcine, hepatocytes play a crucial role in metabolism and protein synthesis. In research these cells are used in metbaolism related studies, toxicity analysis and drug screening...